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Health & Safety

The safety of everyone at the range is of upmost importance and everyone is expected to follow all rules and guidelines.


This is the Health and Safety Policy Statement of Hollybush Rifle Club

Our General Policy is to:-
• Carry out risk assessments and provide adequate control of the health and safety hazards arising from our activities;
• Consult with all those involved in the shoot on matters affecting their health and safety;
• Provide and maintain safe equipment;
• Ensure the safe handling and use of equipment/substances that are hazardous to health;
• Provide information and instruction for all those involved with the shoot;
• Ensure that all those involved in the shoot are competent to undertake shooting activities/tasks and to give them adequate training;
• Prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health;
• Maintain safe working conditions;
• Review and revise this policy at regular intervals

All those involved with shoot activities have legal responsibilities to take care of the health and safety of themselves and those who may be affected by what they do, and to cooperate in order to comply with the law. ALL those involved with the shoot should:-
• Co-operate on health and safety matters;
• Not interfere with anything provided to safeguard health and safety;
• Take reasonable care of their own health and safety;
• Report all health and safety concerns to an appropriate person (Range Officer, Committee Member etc).







Safeguarding Policy

Hollybush Rifle Club takes its responsibility of safeguarding extremely seriously and is open to all areas of our community including all ages, sexes and cultures and will take whatever steps are necessary to achieve this.

  • Each and every club member must also play their part by reading and observing the club’s safeguarding policy.  It is important that you report to the Range Officer any incident, no matter how trivial, of “bad practice” or behaviour which may fall short of the standard expected by club members, or by any visitors to the club, in order that the appropriate steps may be taken

  • Record what you've seen or heard as soon as possible and report your concern as soon as possible

  • These concerns, if not able to be dealt with at club level will be forwarded to governing bodies such as NRA, NRSA, British Shooting etc

  • The club can signpost to a number of support groups should the need arise

Safeguarding officer: Range Officer on duty on shoot days

A number of club members have DBS checks in place

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